Acne Shopping List

In addition to your custom acne regimen, I always suggest looking into these retail items to have at home to assist in the clearing process.  This list is always being updated, so check back in periodically! Also, if you need an custom acne regimen and want to work with me virtually for free, fill out […]

Makeup Suggestions

Makeup is such a personal preference so I suggest having clients use my analyzer to make sure their makeup is relatively acne safe.  I also suggest shopping for makeup at Ulta or Nordstrom since their return policy is awesome.  Sephora has a similar return policy but I have found they try to deter clients from […]

Nice to Meet You

I am not a multi-affiliate, money hungry, Instagram influencer. I am a Licensed Esthetician & Acne Specialist who wants to help those who are suffering from acne. I started helping clients online who did not have the resources or self esteem to see me in person at my office.  I grew up with acne in […]

Don’t Obsess Over Pore Cloggers

I want to go over the importance of NOT over obsessing over comedogenic ingredients. Yes, it’s important to eliminate pore-cloggers from your regimen when you are trying to clear, however, everyone’s skin is different.  Meaning, a product or ingredient that affects someone’s skin adversely doesn’t mean it will affect you in that same way.  Two […]

Acne Office Treatments

If you can afford to add in-office treatments within your clearing process, I highly suggest it.  Below I have my very own treatment plan for my local acne clients, you will also see recommendations for those who are not local. Local to St.Louis, MO Over the years, I have learned that you will get through […]

Budget Friendly Options

I know it can cost a lot to invest in medical-grade skincare, especially when you have tried many acne products with no success. I suggest the “best-case scenario” products when treating acne.  I have treated acne for many years, and these RFA products are perfected to treat many skin types with acne, making the journey […]

Foods That Clear Acne

Food matters. Everything that you put into your mouth, impacts your acne positively or negatively.  Your gut health and diet is so important to lowering inflammation and balancing sebum production. Portion sizes are important for overall health and balance, please try your best to be mindful of this. Even though everyone’s needs are different, this […]

Stress & Acne

We are about to nerd out on stress.    The definition of stress is our body’s response to change.  Any change.   There is good stress and bad stress, such is life. However, it is when we overload our bodies with stress that it has negative effects such as flaring up acne.  How Stress Can Affect […]

Acne?! Why Me?!

Because 😭 Anyone who has acne knows exactly what those moments are like when you literally want to scream into your pillow from the frustration of acne.  The rollercoaster of seeking help, trying new treatments, going through new breakouts, and giving up. PHEWWW.  IT’S A RIDE, FOR SURE. My favorite paragraph from Acne RX, written […]