LHA Blog

Acne Shopping List

In addition to your custom acne regimen, I always suggest looking into these retail items to have at home to assist in the clearing process. 

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LHA Blog

Makeup Suggestions

Makeup is such a personal preference so I suggest having clients use my analyzer to make sure their makeup is relatively acne safe.  I also

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LHA Blog

Nice to Meet You

I am not a multi-affiliate, money hungry, Instagram influencer. I am a Licensed Esthetician & Acne Specialist who wants to help those who are suffering

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LHA Blog

Acne Office Treatments

If you can afford to add in-office treatments within your clearing process, I highly suggest it.  Below I have my very own treatment plan for

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LHA Blog

Budget Friendly Options

I know it can cost a lot to invest in medical-grade skincare, especially when you have tried many acne products with no success. I suggest

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LHA Blog

Foods That Clear Acne

Food matters. Everything that you put into your mouth, impacts your acne positively or negatively.  Your gut health and diet is so important to lowering

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LHA Blog

Stress & Acne

We are about to nerd out on stress.    The definition of stress is our body’s response to change.  Any change.   There is good stress

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