Acne?! Why Me?!


Acne?! Why Me?!

Because 😭

Anyone who has acne knows exactly what those moments are like when you literally want to scream into your pillow from the frustration of acne.  The rollercoaster of seeking help, trying new treatments, going through new breakouts, and giving up. PHEWWW.  IT’S A RIDE, FOR SURE.

My favorite paragraph from Acne RX, written James E. Fulton Jr., M.D., Ph.D. (which is a book that everyone needs to read if you have acne or are learning to treat it):

“It (acne) is not a punishment for something you did wrong or failed to do right.  You didn’t give yourself acne.  You don’t deserve to have it.  You simply have it.  Through a genetic accident, you have a defect in the structure and working of your skin that makes your pores react different than the pores of your “clear skin” friend.  It is essentially no more complicated than that”.

In other words, it’s a disease.  A genetic disease.

Acne AKA Retention Hyperkeratosis.

Again, Fulton says, Retention hyperkeratosis occurs when skin cells of the follicle become cohesive and don’t shed normally on the surface of the skin. This abnormal shedding of the skin leads to the formation of a microcomedone under the skin 8 weeks before the acne lesion is visible on the skin surface.

Many moons ago, you went through puberty.

Your body then started producing testosterone

An Enzyme in your skin changes testosterone to dihydrotestosterone

Dihydrotestosterone stimulates the sebaceous glands to begin producing sebum

In your acne-prone follicle, sebum sets off retention hyperkeratosis



Okay, so now that you know acne is something you were born with, let’s talk about what can flare up your acne. 

Stress (psychological, psychosocial, physical, acute, episodic acute, & chronic)

Birth Control Pills



Heat & Humidity





Sun Exposure


My friend, let’s conclude.

I make a point for you to read this so that you understand “wrong” products or “bad” makeup didn’t cause your acne.  Nothing outside of your genetic predisposition caused your acne.  However, listed above is what can FLARE your acne.  Along with the topical products to treat your acne, you will have to acknowledge lifestyle and environmental factors that are contributing to your acne to maintain clear skin.

This is a lot to digest and truly believe because maybe you didn’t have flared up acne until your 20’s or 30’s but that doesn’t mean you weren’t predisposed to this genetic retention hyperkeratosis.

Going forward, when working with me, keep this in mind.  When clearing your acne, you will have to be accountable for the choices you make outside of using your suggested products.  Ya, feel me?



Lucy Greene


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